Preferred Name

Focal seizures


对于患有局灶性癫痫的计划怀孕并母乳喂养的女性患者,奥卡西平为首选治疗方案,拉莫三嗪和左乙拉西坦也是治疗选择;卡马西平、拉考沙胺、艾司利卡西平和唑尼沙胺为二线选择。 Lamotrigine and levetiracetam were the treatments of choice, with oxcarbazepine considered first-line treatment. Carbamazepine, lacosamide, eslicarbazepine, and zonisamide were considered second-line options. Shih JJ, Whitlock JB, Chimato N, Vargas E, Karceski SC, Frank RD. Epilepsy treatment in adults and adolescents: Expert opinion, 2016. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Apr;69:186-222. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2016.11.018. Epub 2017 Feb 23. PMID: 28237319.



对于患有局灶性癫痫的计划怀孕并母乳喂养的女性患者,奥卡西平为首选治疗方案,拉莫三嗪和左乙拉西坦也是治疗选择;卡马西平、拉考沙胺、艾司利卡西平和唑尼沙胺为二线选择。 Lamotrigine and levetiracetam were the treatments of choice, with oxcarbazepine considered first-line treatment. Carbamazepine, lacosamide, eslicarbazepine, and zonisamide were considered second-line options. Shih JJ, Whitlock JB, Chimato N, Vargas E, Karceski SC, Frank RD. Epilepsy treatment in adults and adolescents: Expert opinion, 2016. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Apr;69:186-222. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2016.11.018. Epub 2017 Feb 23. PMID: 28237319.




Focal seizures


A transitory alteration in movement, sensation or autonomic nerve function due to abnormal electric activity in a localized area of the cerebral cortex, usually without change in awareness or alertness. Symptoms vary with different lesion locations and may include but not limited to the motor (e.g. rhythmic muscle contractions in one area of the body), somatosensory and sensory alterations manifested by abnormal numbness, paresthesias or other hallucinations, including several types of aura; autonomic and psychic symptoms, e.g. with changes in speech, thought, personality, mood, sensation of deja vu or hallucinations.


Women and girls should be reassured that there is no evidence that focal[20],absence and myoclonic seizures affect the pregnancy or developing fetus adversely unless they fall and sustain an injury. [2004, amended 2012] 应该向女性患者保证,没有证据表明局灶性[20]、失神和肌阵挛发作会对妊娠或胎儿发育产生不利影响,除非她们跌倒并受伤。 [2004 年,2012 年修订]


Focal seizures


A history of epilepsy alone is not an indication for delivery by Caesarean section. Elective Caesarean section should be considered if there have been frequent tonic-clonic or prolonged focal seizures during the third trimester of pregnancy in order to avoid adverse outcomes associated with intrapartum seizures. 癫痫病史并不是剖腹产的指征。如果在妊娠晚期有频繁的强直-阵挛发作或持续时间较长的局灶性癫痫发作,应考虑择期剖宫产,以避免产时癫痫发作带来不良后果。 Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network.Diagnosis and management of epilepsy in adults. SIGN 143. Edinburgh, SIGN, 2015. Available at:


Partial seizures NOS Partial seizure Focal Seizures Seizure Partial Focal-onset seizure Focal-onset seizures Seizure Focal Partial Seizure Focal fits Seizures partial Convulsions local Focal onset seizure CONVULSIONS LOCAL Focal Seizure Partial seizures Focal seizure FOCAL SEIZURE Focal seizures Seizure affecting one half of brain Seizures focal Seizures partial afebrile Partial Seizures Seizures Focal


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