Mapping of Drug Names and MeSH 2022

Last uploaded: August 2, 2022
Preferred Name

Surgical Wound Infection


infection, surgic site

postoperative wound infections

infection, surgical wound

wound infections, postoperative

wound infections, surg

wound infections, postop

surgic site infect

surgical site infections

infections, postop wound

surgical wound infect

wound infection, surgic

infection, postop wound

infection, surgic sit

surgical site infection

wound infection, postop

infection, surgical sit

infection, postoperative wound

infections, surgic sit

infections, surgic site

wound infections, surgic

surgical wound infection

surgical wound infections

wound infection, postoperative

postoperative wound infect

surgic wound infect

postoperative wound infection

infections, surgical site

infections, surgical sit

infections, surgic wound

infections, postoperative wound

wound infection, surgical

postop wound infect

wound infections, surgical

surgical site infect

infection, surgical site

infections, surgical wound

wound infection, surg

infection, surgic wound



infection, surgic site

postoperative wound infections

infection, surgical wound

wound infections, postoperative

wound infections, surg

wound infections, postop

surgic site infect

surgical site infections

infections, postop wound

surgical wound infect

wound infection, surgic

infection, postop wound

infection, surgic sit

surgical site infection

wound infection, postop

infection, surgical sit

infection, postoperative wound

infections, surgic sit

infections, surgic site

wound infections, surgic

surgical wound infection

surgical wound infections

wound infection, postoperative

postoperative wound infect

surgic wound infect

postoperative wound infection

infections, surgical site

infections, surgical sit

infections, surgic wound

infections, postoperative wound

wound infection, surgical

postop wound infect

wound infections, surgical

surgical site infect

infection, surgical site

infections, surgical wound

wound infection, surg

infection, surgic wound


Surgical Wound Infection




Surgical Wound Infection


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