Ontology of Genes and Genomes

Last uploaded: December 2, 2016
Preferred Name






chromosome ID of gene


definition source

WEB: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene

full name from nomenclature authority


gene map location


has GO association

GO_0000302 (EC: IMP, PMID: 16644728); GO_0001657 (EC: IEA); GO_0001666 (EC: IEA); GO_0001822 (EC: IEA); GO_0004046 (EC: IEA); GO_0004096 (EC: IDA, PMID: 16644728); GO_0004096 (EC: TAS); GO_0005102 (EC: IPI); GO_0005758 (EC: IEA); GO_0005764 (EC: IEA); GO_0005777 (EC: IDA, PMID: 18379038); GO_0005778 (EC: ISS); GO_0005782 (EC: TAS); GO_0005783 (EC: IEA); GO_0005794 (EC: IEA); GO_0005829 (EC: IEA); GO_0005886 (EC: IEA); GO_0006144 (EC: TAS); GO_0006195 (EC: TAS); GO_0006641 (EC: IEA); GO_0008203 (EC: IEA); GO_0009060 (EC: IEA); GO_0009650 (EC: IMP, PMID: 16644728); GO_0014068 (EC: IEA); GO_0016209 (EC: IDA, PMID: 10514471); GO_0016684 (EC: ISS); GO_0019899 (EC: IPI, PMID: 16781659); GO_0020027 (EC: IEA); GO_0020037 (EC: IDA, PMID: 10656833); GO_0032088 (EC: IEA); GO_0033197 (EC: IEA); GO_0042697 (EC: IEA); GO_0042744 (EC: IDA, PMID: 18379038); GO_0042803 (EC: IDA, PMID: 10656833); GO_0043066 (EC: IMP, PMID: 16644728); GO_0043231 (EC: IDA); GO_0044281 (EC: TAS); GO_0046872 (EC: IEA); GO_0050661 (EC: IDA, PMID: 10656833); GO_0051092 (EC: IEA); GO_0051262 (EC: IDA, PMID: 10656833); GO_0051289 (EC: IDA); GO_0051781 (EC: IEA); GO_0055086 (EC: TAS); GO_0055093 (EC: IEA); GO_0071363 (EC: IEA)

has PubMed association

PMID: 1551654; 2268310; 2308162; 2991908; 3755525; 3755526; 3944256; 6252821; 6548744; 7829101; 8282800; 8479912; 9818873; 9848047; 10096042; 10488055; 10514471; 10567208; 10567403; 10656833; 10666617; 10960480; 11106583; 11134921; 11182520; 11313354; 11479740; 11728823; 11729237; 11837458; 11907164; 12032677; 12110367; 12165738; 12231449; 12372460; 12447480; 12468545; 12469627; 12477932; 12487379; 12516882; 12603857; 12606529; 12665801; 12730222; 12777400; 12824748; 12838770; 12950161; 13904105; 14580687; 14710363; 14962975; 14975589; 15125229; 15131792; 15133753; 15182856; 15203188; 15472150; 15489334; 15528999; 15556604; 15705913; 15733034; 15735318; 15774926; 15800961; 15870505; 15934434; 15988600; 16026777; 16047490; 16076760; 16098030; 16192345; 16204228; 16236267; 16298864; 16385446; 16387755; 16424062; 16453382; 16467073; 16482509; 16504657; 16523188; 16554811; 16586065; 16600249; 16630078; 16644728; 16729966; 16773213; 16775184; 16781659; 16868544; 16956821; 17005595; 17053817; 17145829; 17171548; 17209132; 17213227; 17264407; 17548672; 17549373; 17566139; 17567676; 17567781; 17577741; 17601350; 17634480; 17646900; 17693525; 17696155; 17850515; 17879952; 17937824; 18048809; 18171680; 18248894; 18312938; 18353692; 18368408; 18379038; 18415766; 18423055; 18469277; 18483329; 18485895; 18606005; 18634817; 18682580; 18781797; 18930811; 18936436; 18949620; 18977241; 19050255; 19064360; 19092850; 19124506; 19170196; 19172437; 19242068; 19254215; 19255063; 19274593; 19336475; 19341793; 19373626; 19399816; 19409565; 19424819; 19479899; 19497990; 19505917; 19538885; 19584075; 19615732; 19622717; 19625176; 19688952; 19692168; 19705749; 19731237; 19787204; 19855359; 19863340; 19874574; 19896490; 19897513; 19897742; 19902075; 19913121; 19929244; 19949914; 20020532; 20049130; 20078877; 20082261; 20097730; 20105444; 20109103; 20110814; 20178365; 20194081; 20301895; 20416077; 20444272; 20485444; 20494887; 20613769; 20628086; 20643115; 20649881; 20727719; 20732340; 20851292; 20878976; 20923778; 21053180; 21054578; 21054877; 21069346; 21083503; 21109199; 21131394; 21139048; 21179281; 21180245; 21191398; 21295602; 21417634; 21689642; 21799178; 21827848; 21829032; 21832049; 21890473; 21906983; 21921984; 21947853; 21964540; 21968610; 21976670; 21985133; 21985966; 21988832; 22002062; 22058000; 22089180; 22108257; 22167619; 22242279; 22286031; 22465269; 22556393; 22645453; 22736749; 22880027; 22907559; 22939629; 22958044; 22959522; 22970972; 22998821; 23066387; 23098659; 23212700; 23325794; 23340375; 23390647; 23425094; 23461612; 23746122; 23771908; 23773345; 23911407; 23961996



modification date




nomenclature status

Official from a nomenclature committee

organism NCBITaxon ID






symbol from nomenclature authority


term editor

Bin Zhao, Yue Liu, Oliver He



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Delete Mapping To Ontology Source
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_9685 MHCRO LOOM
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14191 FOODON LOOM
http://identifiers.org/hgnc/1516 HGNC-NR LOOM
http://ontology.lst.tfo.upm.es/SPT/gene#ID_847 HENEGEO LOOM
http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl#C14191 NCIT LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/847 REXO LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/847 GEXO LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/847 RETO LOOM
http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/CSP/0182-1435 CRISP LOOM
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBIGene_40048 CCO LOOM
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBIGene_12359 CCO LOOM
http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#Cat GALEN LOOM
http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/LNC/LA14179-8 LOINC LOOM
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ARO_3002670 ARO LOOM
http://www.pepathway.org/peo/1.1#CAT PE-O LOOM
file:/srv/ncbo/repository/COGAT/8/cogat.owl#con_4ebd5aadbbcc9 COGAT LOOM
http://www.limics.fr/ontologies/ontopsychiasoc#Chat ONTOPSYCHIA LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/24248 REXO LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/24248 GEXO LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/24248 RETO LOOM
file:/srv/ncbo/repository/COGAT/8/cogat.owl#cnt_553a73739fed0 COGAT LOOM
http://purl.jp/bio/4/id/200906070841927685 IOBC LOOM
http://nmrML.org/nmrCV#NMR:1400251 NMR LOOM
https://w3id.org/mixs/vocab/PresAnimalInsectEnum#cat MIXS LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/12359 REXO LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/12359 GEXO LOOM
http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/12359 RETO LOOM
http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/RCD/X79oo RCD LOOM
http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/MEDDRA/10007721 MEDDRA LOOM
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14191 BERO LOOM
http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/LNC/LP19344-8 LOINC LOOM
http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/ont.owl#CAT PHAGE LOOM
http://www.semanticweb.org/ADMO#CAT ADMO LOOM
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_0030701 OMIT LOOM
http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl#Cat CSEO LOOM
http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBIGene_847 CCO LOOM
http://sbmi.uth.tmc.edu/ontology/ochv#C0325089 OCHV LOOM