Epilepsy Syndrome Seizure Ontology

Last uploaded: November 10, 2015
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Bancaud 1981 With Motor Signs Motor Attack Luders 1998 Motor Seizure Location: Left/Right/Axial/Generalized/Bilateral Asymmetric Seizures in which the main manifestations are motor phenomena are classified as motor seizures. Seizures in which the main symptomatology are motor signs are identified as motor seizures. Motor seizures are characterized mainly by motor symptoms and are subclassified as simple or complex. Simple motor seizures are characterized by simple, unnatural movements that can be elicited by electrical stimulation of the primary and supplementary motor area (myoclonic, tonic, clonic and tonic-clonic, versive). Complex motor seizures are characterized by complex motor movements that resemble natural movements but that occur in an inappropriate setting (‘‘automatisms’’). Motor Sphere Seizures where the main manifestations are motor phenomena Blume 2001 7.0 Convulsion: Primarily a lay term. Episodes of excessive, abnormal muscle contractions, usually bilateral, which may be sustained or interrupted 1.0 Motor: involves musculature in any form. The motor event could consist of an increase (+) or decrease (-) in muscle contraction to produce a movement. Unless noted, the following terms are adjectives modifying "motor seizure" or "seizure" (e.g., "tonic motor seizure or dystonci seizure"), and whose definitions can usually be understood as prefaced by "refers to…" Blume 2003 Vocalization Location Generalized Biting SIGN 2006 Convulsion: seizure characterized by a marked motor activity e.g. jerking and/or stiffness, may be epileptic or non-epileptic





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