Cell Line Ontology

Last uploaded: June 28, 2024
Preferred Name

secondary cultured cell population


secondary cell culture sample


The concept of a 'secondary cultured cell population' covers cell lines as well as cultured cell populations more immediately derived from a primary culture which have yet to achieve adequate genetic stability and compositional homogeneity to be considered a cell line. The extent of the collection of cells in a 'secondary cultured cell population' is restricted only in that all cell members must share a propagation history (ie be derived through a common lineage of passages from an initial culture). Secondary cultured cell populations can be under active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use, or applied experimentally. A cultured cell population that is derived through one or more passages in culture.




The concept of a 'secondary cultured cell population' covers cell lines as well as cultured cell populations more immediately derived from a primary culture which have yet to achieve adequate genetic stability and compositional homogeneity to be considered a cell line. The extent of the collection of cells in a 'secondary cultured cell population' is restricted only in that all cell members must share a propagation history (ie be derived through a common lineage of passages from an initial culture). Secondary cultured cell populations can be under active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use, or applied experimentally.

alternative term

secondary cell culture sample

definition source

PERSON:Matthew Brush

editor note

The term 'secondary cell culture' is generally used in biological texts/protocols to refer to any culture of cells following an initial passage. We include it here because there are often a number of passages between a primary culture and the establishment of a stable, homogenous cell line. Such cultures are considered to be 'secondary cultures' but not 'cell lines' during this intermediate passaging/selection period between their derivation from a 'primary cell culture' and derivation into a 'cell line', which is a more specific type of secondary culture.

editor preferred term

secondary cultured cell population

has curation status


has grain


imported from





secondary cultured cell population




secondary cultured cell population

term editor

PERSON:Matthew Brush

textual definition

A cultured cell population that is derived through one or more passages in culture.



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