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Cell Culture Ontology
Preferred Name | stroke | |
Synonyms |
cerebral infarction Vascular Accidents, Brain SYNDROME, STROKE Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified CVAs (Cerebrovascular Accident) Stroke, Acute Acute Cerebrovascular Accident Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents Brain Vascular Accident Stroke NOS (disorder) Brain Vascular Accidents Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) stroke disorder cerebrovascular accident Vascular Accident, Brain CVA, cerebrovascular accident ischemic stroke stroke syndrome Cerebrovascular Accidents, Acute Apoplexy, Cerebrovascular Stroke, Cerebrovascular CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) syndrome, stroke Acute Stroke Acute Strokes Strokes, Cerebrovascular cerebrovascular accident, (CVA) CVA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) [Ambiguous] Cerebral Strokes Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified (disorder) CVA - Cerebrovascular accident STROKE SYNDROME CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, (CVA) Cerebrovascular Apoplexy Cerebrovascular Apoplexya Stroke, Cerebral Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute undetermined stroke Stroke/CVA - undefined Cerebrovascular Accident Cerebrovascular Accidents CVA (cerebral vascular accident) Cerebral Stroke Strokes, Acute Cerebrovascular Stroke Cerebrovascular Strokes Strokes, Cerebral Apoplexy CVA Stroke NOS Strokes stroke |
Definitions |
Tissue NECROSIS in any area of the brain, including the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES, the CEREBELLUM, and the BRAIN STEM. Brain infarction is the result of a cascade of events initiated by inadequate blood flow through the brain that is followed by HYPOXIA and HYPOGLYCEMIA in brain tissue. Damage may be temporary, permanent, selective or pan-necrosis. A sudden, nonconvulsive loss of neurologic function due to an ischemic or hemorrhagic intracranial vascular event. In general, cerebrovascular accidents are classified by anatomic location in the brain, vascular distribution, etiology, age of the affected individual, and hemorrhagic vs. nonhemorrhagic nature (MeSH). A sudden loss of neurological function secondary to hemorrhage or ischemia in the brain parenchyma due to a vascular event. A group of pathological conditions characterized by sudden, non-convulsive loss of neurological function due to BRAIN ISCHEMIA or INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGES. Stroke is classified by the type of tissue NECROSIS, such as the anatomic location, vasculature involved, etiology, age of the affected individual, and hemorrhagic vs. non-hemorrhagic nature. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp777-810) A sudden, nonconvulsive loss of neurologic function due to an ischemic or hemorrhagic intracranial vascular event. In general, cerebrovascular accidents are classified by anatomic location in the brain, vascular distribution, etiology, age of the affected individual, and hemorrhagic vs. nonhemorrhagic nature. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp777-810) |
ID | |
database_cross_reference |
MeSH:D020521 SNOMEDCT:422504002 OMIM:601367 MESH:D020521 UMLS:C0038454 MONDO:0005098 MEDGEN:52522 SCTID:230690007 MedDRA:10042244 SNOMEDCT:230690007 NIFSTD:birnlex_12783 HP:0001297 ICD10:I64 NCIT:C3390 NCIt:C3390
definition |
Tissue NECROSIS in any area of the brain, including the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES, the CEREBELLUM, and the BRAIN STEM. Brain infarction is the result of a cascade of events initiated by inadequate blood flow through the brain that is followed by HYPOXIA and HYPOGLYCEMIA in brain tissue. Damage may be temporary, permanent, selective or pan-necrosis.
disease has location | ||
disease has major feature | ||
gwas_trait |
has_exact_synonym |
Vascular Accidents, Brain SYNDROME, STROKE Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified CVAs (Cerebrovascular Accident) Stroke, Acute Acute Cerebrovascular Accident Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents Brain Vascular Accident Stroke NOS (disorder) Brain Vascular Accidents Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) stroke disorder cerebrovascular accident Vascular Accident, Brain CVA, cerebrovascular accident ischemic stroke stroke syndrome Cerebrovascular Accidents, Acute Apoplexy, Cerebrovascular Stroke, Cerebrovascular CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) syndrome, stroke Acute Stroke Acute Strokes Strokes, Cerebrovascular cerebrovascular accident, (CVA) CVA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) [Ambiguous] Cerebral Strokes Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified (disorder) CVA - Cerebrovascular accident STROKE SYNDROME CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, (CVA) Cerebrovascular Apoplexy Cerebrovascular Apoplexya Stroke, Cerebral Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute undetermined stroke Stroke/CVA - undefined Cerebrovascular Accident Cerebrovascular Accidents CVA (cerebral vascular accident) Cerebral Stroke Strokes, Acute Cerebrovascular Stroke Cerebrovascular Strokes Strokes, Cerebral Apoplexy CVA Stroke NOS Strokes stroke
has_related_synonym |
cerebral infarction
id |
in_subset | ||
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notation |
preferred label |
prefLabel |
skos_exactMatch | |
term editor |
Tomasz Adamusiak James Malone
subClassOf |
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