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Absence seizures



妊娠:孕妇除定期进行产科检查外,还应定期就诊于癫痫专科医生;根据临床发作情况及时调整AEDs的剂量,尽量减少和避免发作,尤其是全面性强直-阵挛发作。孕妇也需要了解,没有证据表明局灶性、失神以及肌阵挛性发作会影响妊娠期与发育阶段的胎儿,除非患者跌倒或者受到了伤害;如果妊娠期间发作控制不佳,要充分考虑到妊娠相关因素的影响,如剧烈呕吐、依从性差等;妊娠16-20周时应该对胎儿进行详细的超声波检查,及时发现可能存在的畸形。 Li, S. and Hong, Z., 2015. Lin chuang zhen liao zhi nan. Beijing: Ren min wei sheng chu ban she.




Absence seizures


A seizure disorder usually occurring in childhood characterized by rhythmic electrical brain discharges of generalized onset. Clinical features include a sudden cessation of ongoing activity usually without loss of postural tone. Rhythmic blinking of the eyelids or lip smacking frequently accompanies the SEIZURES. The usual duration is 5-10 seconds, and multiple episodes may occur daily. Juvenile absence epilepsy is characterized by the juvenile onset of absence seizures and an increased incidence of myoclonus and tonic-clonic seizures. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p736)


Epilepsy characterized by very brief episodes of sudden cessation of activity, usually associated with eye blinking. There is no loss of the muscle tone.


Women and girls should be reassured that there is no evidence that focal[20],absence and myoclonic seizures affect the pregnancy or developing fetus adversely unless they fall and sustain an injury. [2004, amended 2012] 应该向女性患者保证,没有证据表明局灶性[20]、失神和肌阵挛发作会对妊娠或胎儿发育产生不利影响,除非她们跌倒并受伤。 [2004 年,2012 年修订]


Absence seizures


Absence Epilepsy Juvenile Epilepsy petit mal Epilepsy Juvenile Absence Generalized non-motor (absence) seizure Juvenile absence epilepsy (disorder) Epilepsy Petit Mal Seizures absence Childhood absence seizures Pykno-epilepsy Absence Epilepsy Generalised non-motor seizure PETIT MAL Petit-mal seizure petit mal seizure Typical absence seizures Childhood absence epilepsy (disorder) Absence seizures PETIT MAL CONVULSION Pyknolepsies Brief seizures with staring spells Convulsion petit mal Juvenile absence epilepsy Pykno Epilepsy Absence Seizures Petit mal Epilepsy Childhood Absence Absence seizure (disorder) Typical absence Petit Mal Convulsion Absence Seizure Seizure Absence Petit Mal Epilepsy EPILEPSY PETIT MAL Juvenile Absence Epilepsy PETIT MAL EPILEPSY Childhood Absence Epilepsy Petit mal unspecified without grand mal seizures Absence seizure EPILEPSY PETIT MAL Petit mal seizures ABSENCE EPILEPSY Epilepsy Absence Pyknolepsy Generalised non-motor (absence) seizure Petit mal convulsion Petit mal seizure Pykno-Epilepsy PYKNOEPILEPSY Typical absence seizure Petit-mal epilepsy pyknolepsy Convulsion Petit Mal PRIMARY GENERALIZED EPILEPSY MINOR Epilepsy Juvenile Absence Petit mal epilepsy JAE Childhood - juvenile - absence epilepsy EPILEPSY IDIOPATHIC PETIT MAL Epilepsy juvenile absence Minor epilepsy Absences typical EPILEPSY MINOR Childhood absence epilepsy Absence Epilepsy Childhood


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