MFO Mental Disease Ontology

Last uploaded: April 26, 2020
Preferred Name

binge-eating disorder


Indicators of impaired control include eating very rapidly, eating until feeling uncomfortably full, eating large amounts of food when not hungry, eating alone because of embarrassment over how much one is eating, and feeling disgust, guilt, or depression after overeating. The marked distress required for the diagnosis includes unpleasant feelings during and after the binge episode, as well as concerns about the long-term effect of the recurrent binge episodes on body weight and shape. Binge episodes must occur, on average, at least 2 days a week for a period of at least 6 months. DSM-IV-TR (american Psychiatric Association) The essential features are recurrent episodes of being eating associated with subjective and behavioural indicators of impaired control over, and significant distress about, the binge eating and the absence of the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviours (such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives and other medications, fasting, and excessive exercise) that are characteristic of Bulimia Nervosa.



Indicators of impaired control include eating very rapidly, eating until feeling uncomfortably full, eating large amounts of food when not hungry, eating alone because of embarrassment over how much one is eating, and feeling disgust, guilt, or depression after overeating. The marked distress required for the diagnosis includes unpleasant feelings during and after the binge episode, as well as concerns about the long-term effect of the recurrent binge episodes on body weight and shape. Binge episodes must occur, on average, at least 2 days a week for a period of at least 6 months. DSM-IV-TR (american Psychiatric Association)


The essential features are recurrent episodes of being eating associated with subjective and behavioural indicators of impaired control over, and significant distress about, the binge eating and the absence of the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviours (such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives and other medications, fasting, and excessive exercise) that are characteristic of Bulimia Nervosa.


binge-eating disorder




binge-eating disorder


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