Preferred Name

secondary cultured cell population


The concept of a 'secondary cultured cell population' covers cell lines as well as cultured cell populations more immediately derived from a primary culture which have yet to achieve adequate genetic stability and compositional homogeneity to be considered a cell line. The extent of the collection of cells in a 'secondary cultured cell population' is restricted only in that all cell members must share a propagation history (ie be derived through a common lineage of passages from an initial culture). Secondary cultured cell populations can be under active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use, or applied experimentally. A cultured cell population that is derived through one or more passages in culture.



The concept of a 'secondary cultured cell population' covers cell lines as well as cultured cell populations more immediately derived from a primary culture which have yet to achieve adequate genetic stability and compositional homogeneity to be considered a cell line. The extent of the collection of cells in a 'secondary cultured cell population' is restricted only in that all cell members must share a propagation history (ie be derived through a common lineage of passages from an initial culture). Secondary cultured cell populations can be under active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use, or applied experimentally.

alternative label

secondary cell culture sample

definition source

PERSON:Matthew Brush

editor preferred term

secondary cultured cell population

has curation status

imported from


secondary cultured cell population




secondary cultured cell population

term editor

PERSON:Matthew Brush

textual definition

A cultured cell population that is derived through one or more passages in culture.


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