Epilepsy Syndrome Seizure Ontology

Last uploaded: November 10, 2015
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Bancaud 1981 Head turning to one side usually contraversive to discharge




Bancaud 1981 Head turning to one side usually contraversive to discharge




Sustained & extreme: Conjugate eye movement to one side (Progressive movement of eye to extreme position) (Smooth tonic lateral movement) (W or w/o superimposed small saccades) Moves head or whole body to one side (Small clonic lateral movements) (Chin moves lateral and upward) Unnatural position of Eyes and head Occasionally body completes 1 or more 360 turns Bancaud 1981 Versive Contraversive to discharge Tonic seizure rigid, violent muscular contraction, fixing the limbs in some strained position deviation of the eyes and of the head toward one side, this may amount to rotation involving the whole body (sometimes causing the patient to turn around, even two or three times) Features are distorted Color of face becomes pale and flushed, livid as fixation of chest by spasms stops movements of respiration eyes are open or closed, conjunctiva is insensitive, pupils dilate widely as cyanosis comes on As spasm continues, it changes in relative intensity in different parts, causing sleigh alterations in limb positions ILAE 1989 Oculoclonic or oculogyric deviation Palpebral jerks, forced closure of eyelids Occular oscillation Tonic, horizontal deviation of the eyes w/ or w/o jerking, eyelid blinking/fluttering Luders 1998 Location: Left/Right/Axial/Generalized/Bilateral Asymmetric Simple, unnatural movements Like Broadman 4&6 stimulation Blume 2001: Postural: Adoption of a posture that may be bilaterally symmetric or asymmetric (as in a "fencing posture"). Versive: A sustained, forced conjugate ocular, cephalic, and/or truncal rotation or lateral derivation from the midline. Dystonic: Sustained contractions of both against and antagonist muscles producing athetoid or twisting movements, which, when prolonged, may produce abnormal postures. Blume 2003 Head movements to one side or none Location: Left/right/axial/generalized/bilateral asymmetric


Bancaud 1981 ILAE 1989 Luders 1998 Versive Seizure Location: Left/Right/Axial/Generalized/Bilateral Asymmetric Simple, unnatural movements Like Broadman 4&6 stimulation Blume 2001: Postural: Adoption of a posture that may be bilaterally symmetric or asymmetric (as in a "fencing posture"). Versive: A sustained, forced conjugate ocular, cephalic, and/or truncal rotation or lateral derivation from the midline. Dystonic: Sustained contractions of both against and antagonist muscles producing athetoid or twisting movements, which, when prolonged, may produce abnormal postures. Blume 2003 A GTC seizure may evolve immediately from a dyscongitive one and is heralded by contralateral head and eye deviation. Alternatively GTC seizures may appear independently.






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