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research study


A research study is considered broadly to be any scientific activity aimed at answering a research question. Studies can be simple or complex, depending on the scope of the question being explored and the extent of resources deployed in doing so. They may include a full research investigation, a set of experiments, or a single experiment or assay. Regardless, that act of summarizing any results as a finding statement is considered part of the study. A research study is considered broadly to be any scientific activity aimed at answering a research question. Studies can be simple or complex, depending on the scope of the question being explored and the extent of resources deployed in doing so. They may include a full research investigation, a set of related experiments, or a single experiment or assay. Regardless, that act of summarizing any results as a finding statement is considered part of the study. 'Study' here is broadly considered to include any defined activity performed to address a scientific question or generate a scientific hypothesis. It covers scientific inquiry at different scales of complexity, from a single assay, experiment or observation, to a complex research investigation addressing a broader scientific question. Studies can be based on a broad range of methods, including in silico algorithms, in vitro or in vivo experimentation on model systems, clinical studies on human subjects, or curation and analysis of existing knowledge, e.g. from publications, datasets, or knowledegbases, to derive novel insight. A planned process that executes some study design or protocol to generate scientific data that is interpreted to test or generate a hypothesis.



A research study is considered broadly to be any scientific activity aimed at answering a research question. Studies can be simple or complex, depending on the scope of the question being explored and the extent of resources deployed in doing so. They may include a full research investigation, a set of experiments, or a single experiment or assay. Regardless, that act of summarizing any results as a finding statement is considered part of the study.

A research study is considered broadly to be any scientific activity aimed at answering a research question. Studies can be simple or complex, depending on the scope of the question being explored and the extent of resources deployed in doing so. They may include a full research investigation, a set of related experiments, or a single experiment or assay. Regardless, that act of summarizing any results as a finding statement is considered part of the study. 'Study' here is broadly considered to include any defined activity performed to address a scientific question or generate a scientific hypothesis. It covers scientific inquiry at different scales of complexity, from a single assay, experiment or observation, to a complex research investigation addressing a broader scientific question. Studies can be based on a broad range of methods, including in silico algorithms, in vitro or in vivo experimentation on model systems, clinical studies on human subjects, or curation and analysis of existing knowledge, e.g. from publications, datasets, or knowledegbases, to derive novel insight.


research study




research study


Explore the classification of study types here as a possibility to implement in SEPIO. Useful because these map to the strength of the evidence each might provide.

textual definition

A planned process that executes some study design or protocol to generate scientific data that is interpreted to test or generate a hypothesis.


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