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A mixture in the form of a homogeneous liquid contaning a solvent and at least one solute. A "solution" is_described_by one or more mixture_component_descriptor(s), each of which has two parts: the component_amount and a substance_identifier that specifies the identity of the component. This is a flexible way of describing solutions. For example, a solution can be described as a mixture of two other solutions (e.g., buffer A and buffer B), in which case the mixture_component_descriptor(s) each specify the identity and amount of each of these buffers. Alternatively, a solution can be described according to the concentrations of its solutes (dissolved molecules), each of which is specified by a mixture_component_descriptor. In this case, complete description of the solution requires that the solvent be specified using the property has_solvent, which points to an instance of the class "solvent". [Satya & Will 03/02/06]
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