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Concept: gene therapy CUI: C0017296 Semantic Type: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure Definition: The introduction of new genes into cells for the purpose of treating disease by restoring or adding gene expression. Techniques include insertion of retroviral vectors, transfection, homologous recombination, and injection of new genes into the nuclei of single cell embryos. The entire gene therapy process may consist of multiple steps. The new genes may be introduced into proliferating cells in vivo (e.g., bone marrow) or in vitro (e.g., fibroblast cultures) and the modified cells transferred to the site where the gene expression is required. Gene therapy may be particularly useful for treating enzyme deficiency diseases, hemoglobinopathies, and leukemias and may also prove useful in restoring drug sensitivity, particularly for leukemia. (MeSH) introduction of functioning gene or genes into cells for the purpose of correcting an inborn genetic error, treating a disease by restoring or adding gene expression, or providing a new function to the cell; new genes may be introduced into proliferating cells in vivo (e.g., bone marrow) or in vitro (e.g., fibroblast cultures) and the modified cells transferred to the site where the gene expression is required. (CRISP Thesaurus) Application of genetic material (usually DNA) into cells in order to permanently correct an inherited disease or an acquired disease such as cancer. The genetic material as 'naked' DNA can be delivered into the cells alone or can be delivered into cells by different types of vectors such as viruses which may contain DNA or RNA. Gene therapy techniques attempt to replace a faulty/missing gene associated with a particular disease, mediate localized delivery of a protein producing specified therapeutic effects, or introduce new cellular functions. Gene therapies are designed to deliver genetic material into somatic cells and not germ cells, so that only cells of patients and not those of their offspring contain and express the genetic material delivered. (NCI04) (NCI Thesaurus)



Concept: gene therapy CUI: C0017296 Semantic Type: Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure Definition: The introduction of new genes into cells for the purpose of treating disease by restoring or adding gene expression. Techniques include insertion of retroviral vectors, transfection, homologous recombination, and injection of new genes into the nuclei of single cell embryos. The entire gene therapy process may consist of multiple steps. The new genes may be introduced into proliferating cells in vivo (e.g., bone marrow) or in vitro (e.g., fibroblast cultures) and the modified cells transferred to the site where the gene expression is required. Gene therapy may be particularly useful for treating enzyme deficiency diseases, hemoglobinopathies, and leukemias and may also prove useful in restoring drug sensitivity, particularly for leukemia. (MeSH) introduction of functioning gene or genes into cells for the purpose of correcting an inborn genetic error, treating a disease by restoring or adding gene expression, or providing a new function to the cell; new genes may be introduced into proliferating cells in vivo (e.g., bone marrow) or in vitro (e.g., fibroblast cultures) and the modified cells transferred to the site where the gene expression is required. (CRISP Thesaurus) Application of genetic material (usually DNA) into cells in order to permanently correct an inherited disease or an acquired disease such as cancer. The genetic material as 'naked' DNA can be delivered into the cells alone or can be delivered into cells by different types of vectors such as viruses which may contain DNA or RNA. Gene therapy techniques attempt to replace a faulty/missing gene associated with a particular disease, mediate localized delivery of a protein producing specified therapeutic effects, or introduce new cellular functions. Gene therapies are designed to deliver genetic material into somatic cells and not germ cells, so that only cells of patients and not those of their offspring contain and express the genetic material delivered. (NCI04) (NCI Thesaurus)






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