Mental State Assessment

Last uploaded: July 9, 2013
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An INSTRUMENT-BASED ASSESSMENT is a SUBJECT DATA ACQUISITION that captures some required information concerning the subject and involves the integration of data from instruments: TEST(-INSTRUMENTS) and/or QUESTIONNAIRES. When the purpose of the patient's examination is the assessment of her/his behavior, the examiner uses questionnaires rather than tests to rate the level of intensity/severity of a behavioral trait. Then, the appropriate action is a BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEW rather than a BEHAVIOURAL TEST which is less adapted. INSTRUMENT-BASED ASSESSMENTS are divided among TEST-BASED ASSESSMENTS and QUESTIONNAIRE-BASED ASSESSMENTS according to the kind of instrument which is administrated and therefore to the specific roles played by the subject and the healthcare professional in the assessment.



An INSTRUMENT-BASED ASSESSMENT is a SUBJECT DATA ACQUISITION that captures some required information concerning the subject and involves the integration of data from instruments: TEST(-INSTRUMENTS) and/or QUESTIONNAIRES. When the purpose of the patient's examination is the assessment of her/his behavior, the examiner uses questionnaires rather than tests to rate the level of intensity/severity of a behavioral trait. Then, the appropriate action is a BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEW rather than a BEHAVIOURAL TEST which is less adapted. INSTRUMENT-BASED ASSESSMENTS are divided among TEST-BASED ASSESSMENTS and QUESTIONNAIRE-BASED ASSESSMENTS according to the kind of instrument which is administrated and therefore to the specific roles played by the subject and the healthcare professional in the assessment.






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