Dataset processing

Last uploaded: July 9, 2013
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[DEF & CIT] “A REGISTRATION is the process of transforming the different sets of data into one coordinate system. REGISTRATION is necessary in order to be able to compare or integrate the data obtained from different measurements. Medical imaging registration (e.g. for data of the same patient taken at different points in time) often additionally involves elastic (or nonrigid) registration to cope with elastic deformations of the body parts imaged. Nonrigid registration of medical images can also be used to register a patient's data to an anatomical atlas, such as the Talairach atlas for neuroimaging”. (Source: Wikipedia). “There are two steps involved in registering a pair of images together. There is the registration itself, whereby the set of parameters describing a transformation is estimated. Then there is a transformation, where one of the images is transformed according to the estimated parameters”. (Tofts, 2004).



[DEF & CIT] “A REGISTRATION is the process of transforming the different sets of data into one coordinate system. REGISTRATION is necessary in order to be able to compare or integrate the data obtained from different measurements. Medical imaging registration (e.g. for data of the same patient taken at different points in time) often additionally involves elastic (or nonrigid) registration to cope with elastic deformations of the body parts imaged. Nonrigid registration of medical images can also be used to register a patient's data to an anatomical atlas, such as the Talairach atlas for neuroimaging”. (Source: Wikipedia). “There are two steps involved in registering a pair of images together. There is the registration itself, whereby the set of parameters describing a transformation is estimated. Then there is a transformation, where one of the images is transformed according to the estimated parameters”. (Tofts, 2004).






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