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Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Mouse
Last uploaded:
March 23, 2018
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Id |
Preferred Name | Sgce |
Definitions |
Other designations: epsilon-SG|epsilon-sarcoglycan
Synonyms |
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All Properties
label | Sgce
comment | Other designations: epsilon-SG|epsilon-sarcoglycan
prefLabel | Sgce
description | sarcoglycan, epsilon
database_cross_reference |
has PubMed association | PMID: 8889548; 9405466; 9475163; 10349636; 10488149; 10757814; 10922068; 11042159; 11076861; 11217851; 12466851; 12477932; 12840045; 14610273; 14625080; 15193417; 15612018; 15689353; 15782199; 16099459; 16141072; 16141073; 16341224; 16602821; 16815860; 16987518; 17200151; 18480470; 19494113; 20627944; 21750040; 21796726; 21890494; 22040906; 22080833; 23085235; 23139813
term editor | Bin Zhao, Yue Liu, Oliver He
definition source | WEB:
prefixIRI | OGG:3000020392
subClassOf | |
type of gene | protein-coding
nomenclature status | Official from a nomenclature committee
organism NCBITaxon ID | 10090
chromosome ID of gene | 6
type | |
gene map location | 6 A1|6 1.81 cM
symbol from nomenclature authority | Sgce
full name from nomenclature authority | sarcoglycan, epsilon
NCBI GeneID | 20392
modification date | 20140409
alternative term | e-SG
has GO association | GO_0005509 (EC: IEA); GO_0005737 (EC: IEA); GO_0005856 (EC: IEA); GO_0005886 (EC: IEA); GO_0005887 (EC: TAS, PMID: 9475163); GO_0016010 (EC: ISO); GO_0016012 (EC: IEA); GO_0016020 (EC: IEA); GO_0016021 (EC: IEA)
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