Beta Cell Genomics Ontology

Last uploaded: August 20, 2015
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cultured cell population

A processed material comprised of a collection of cultured cells that has been continuously maintained together in culture and shares a common propagation history. The extent of a 'cultured cell population' is restricted only in that all cell members must share a propagation history (ie be derived through a common lineage of passages from an initial culture). In being defined in this way, this class can be used to refer to the populations that researchers actually use in the practice of science - ie are the inputs to culturing, experimentation, and sharing. The cells in such populations will be a relatively uniform population as they have experienced similar selective pressures due to their continuous co-propagation. And this population will also have a single passage number, again owing to their common passaging history. Cultured cell populations represent only a collection of cells (ie do not include media, culture dishes, etc), and include populations of cultured unicellular organisms or cultured multicellular organism cells. They can exist under active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use, or applied experimentally.
cell culture sample
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