Ontology of Biological Attributes

Last uploaded: June 28, 2024
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Vertebral arch anomaly


A vertebral arch is the posterior part of a vertebra and forms the canal through which the spinal cord passes. A vertebral arch consists of (i) a pair of vertebral pedicles, which are short thick processes that extend from the vertebral body to connect the body to the vertebral arch; (ii) a pari of vertebral laminae (broad plates that extending dorsally and medially from the pedicles fusing with one another to complete the roof of the vertebral arch); (iii) the spinous process (a process that is directed backward and downward from the junction of the laminae and to which muscles and ligaments attach); (iv) two superior articular processes and two inferior articular processes that articulate between two adjacent vertebrae); and (v) two transverse processes that extend at either side from the point where the lamina joins the pedicle, between the superior and inferior articular processes and allow the attachment of muscles and ligaments.




A vertebral arch is the posterior part of a vertebra and forms the canal through which the spinal cord passes. A vertebral arch consists of (i) a pair of vertebral pedicles, which are short thick processes that extend from the vertebral body to connect the body to the vertebral arch; (ii) a pari of vertebral laminae (broad plates that extending dorsally and medially from the pedicles fusing with one another to complete the roof of the vertebral arch); (iii) the spinous process (a process that is directed backward and downward from the junction of the laminae and to which muscles and ligaments attach); (iv) two superior articular processes and two inferior articular processes that articulate between two adjacent vertebrae); and (v) two transverse processes that extend at either side from the point where the lamina joins the pedicle, between the superior and inferior articular processes and allow the attachment of muscles and ligaments.


Vertebral arch anomaly




Vertebral arch anomaly



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