Preferred Name

Metabolic Nervous System Disease

Brain dysfunction or damage caused by acquired (i.e., non-inborn) metabolic disorders. Associated conditions include ENDOCRINE DISEASES; WATER-ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE; KIDNEY DISEASES; LIVER DISEASES; anoxia ( HYPOXIA, BRAIN); nutritional disorders (see NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES); an encephalopathy associated with HEMODIALYSIS; and other disorders (MeSH).





Plum & Posner, Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, 3rd ed, pp208-260


Brain dysfunction or damage caused by acquired (i.e., non-inborn) metabolic disorders. Associated conditions include ENDOCRINE DISEASES; WATER-ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE; KIDNEY DISEASES; LIVER DISEASES; anoxia ( HYPOXIA, BRAIN); nutritional disorders (see NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES); an encephalopathy associated with HEMODIALYSIS; and other disorders (MeSH).

editorial note

Note BIRNLex seeks to evolve a core subsumptive disease hierarchy based first on the effected function, then the effected structure, the latter for those categories of nervous system disease that have typically been associated with structural abnormalities or trauma (e.g., Motor neuron diseases, cerebrovascular trauma, etc.). Disease causation is in fact the ultimate goal of much biomedical research, and our recognitition of ALL the driving causes of a particular disease - and the ways in which these causes inter-relate with each other and with effected structures to cause a change in normal function is a critical representational task BIRNlex will increasingly take on to provide an evolving, nuanced functional reconstruction of disease as a process and an outcome. These relations will be represented using OWL ObjectProperties. Function is the most sensible context to drive the asserted subsumptive hierarchy for representing nervous system disease, since it is with the clinical description of altered, impaired, decreased, or lost function that the diagnosis - and the research - of disease is rooted. Much has already been described regarding both the effected biomaterial entities and the causes of disease. However, it is because understanding of such relations still is far from comprehensive, that biomedical investigation into nervous system disease continues. Finally, given the "realist" ontology design approach being used to construct BIRNLex, function must be represented as inhering in some biomaterial entity from molecules and their controlling elements on up through gross anatomical structures. Over time, BIRNLex will provide the required relations to depict these functionally-related structures for both the normal and pathological function of the nervous system. This will be true both for the causes and for the outcomes of nervous system disease. Initial work to extend this expressive representation will focus on the neurodegenerative diseases being studied by BIRN researchers. Though this will be te case, BIRNLex still needs to provide a core asserted hierarchy for a broad swarth of nervous system disease, so as to enable BIRN researchers to link to the breadth of disorders that may impact or relate to those directly under study.






Metabolic Nervous System Disease








Brain dysfunction or damage caused by acquired (i.e., non-inborn) metabolic disorders. Associated conditions include ENDOCRINE DISEASES; WATER-ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE; KIDNEY DISEASES; LIVER DISEASES; anoxia ( HYPOXIA, BRAIN); nutritional disorders (see NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES); an encephalopathy associated with HEMODIALYSIS; and other disorders (MeSH).

Note BIRNLex seeks to evolve a core subsumptive disease hierarchy based first on the effected function, then the effected structure, the latter for those categories of nervous system disease that have typically been associated with structural abnormalities or trauma (e.g., Motor neuron diseases, cerebrovascular trauma, etc.). Disease causation is in fact the ultimate goal of much biomedical research, and our recognitition of ALL the driving causes of a particular disease - and the ways in which these causes inter-relate with each other and with effected structures to cause a change in normal function is a critical representational task BIRNlex will increasingly take on to provide an evolving, nuanced functional reconstruction of disease as a process and an outcome. These relations will be represented using OWL ObjectProperties. Function is the most sensible context to drive the asserted subsumptive hierarchy for representing nervous system disease, since it is with the clinical description of altered, impaired, decreased, or lost function that the diagnosis - and the research - of disease is rooted. Much has already been described regarding both the effected biomaterial entities and the causes of disease. However, it is because understanding of such relations still is far from comprehensive, that biomedical investigation into nervous system disease continues. Finally, given the "realist" ontology design approach being used to construct BIRNLex, function must be represented as inhering in some biomaterial entity from molecules and their controlling elements on up through gross anatomical structures. Over time, BIRNLex will provide the required relations to depict these functionally-related structures for both the normal and pathological function of the nervous system. This will be true both for the causes and for the outcomes of nervous system disease. Initial work to extend this expressive representation will focus on the neurodegenerative diseases being studied by BIRN researchers. Though this will be te case, BIRNLex still needs to provide a core asserted hierarchy for a broad swarth of nervous system disease, so as to enable BIRN researchers to link to the breadth of disorders that may impact or relate to those directly under study.

preferred label

Metabolic Nervous System Disease


Metabolic Nervous System Syndrome

Central Nervous System Metabolic Disorder

Metabolic Brain Disease

CNS Metabolic Disorder

Metabolic Brain Syndrome

Metabolic Nervous System Disorder

Metabolic Encephalopathy

Metabolic Brain Disorder


Acquired or inborn metabolic diseases that produce brain dysfunction or damage. These include primary (i.e., disorders intrinsic to the brain) and secondary (i.e., extracranial) metabolic conditions that adversely affect cerebral function (MeSH).

MeSH includes all the listed synonyms with ACQUIRED pre-pended, indicating a non-hereditary subtype.


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