Molecular Interaction Map

Last uploaded: October 30, 2014
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Definition: A conversion in which molecules of one or more physicalEntity pools, undergo covalent modifications and become a member of one or more other physicalEntity pools. The substrates of biochemical reactions are defined in terms of sums of species. This is a convention in biochemistry, and, in principle, all EC reactions should be biochemical reactions. Examples: ATP + H2O = ADP + Pi Comment: In the example reaction above, ATP is considered to be an equilibrium mixture of several species, namely ATP4-, HATP3-, H2ATP2-, MgATP2-, MgHATP-, and Mg2ATP. Additional species may also need to be considered if other ions (e.g. Ca2+) that bind ATP are present. Similar considerations apply to ADP and to inorganic phosphate (Pi). When writing biochemical reactions, it is not necessary to attach charges to the biochemical reactants or to include ions such as H+ and Mg2+ in the equation. The reaction is written in the direction specified by the EC nomenclature system, if applicable, regardless of the physiological direction(s) in which the reaction proceeds. Polymerization reactions involving large polymers whose structure is not explicitly captured should generally be represented as unbalanced reactions in which the monomer is consumed but the polymer remains unchanged, e.g. glycogen + glucose = glycogen. A better coverage for polymerization will be developed.



Definition: A conversion in which molecules of one or more physicalEntity pools, undergo covalent modifications and become a member of one or more other physicalEntity pools. The substrates of biochemical reactions are defined in terms of sums of species. This is a convention in biochemistry, and, in principle, all EC reactions should be biochemical reactions. Examples: ATP + H2O = ADP + Pi Comment: In the example reaction above, ATP is considered to be an equilibrium mixture of several species, namely ATP4-, HATP3-, H2ATP2-, MgATP2-, MgHATP-, and Mg2ATP. Additional species may also need to be considered if other ions (e.g. Ca2+) that bind ATP are present. Similar considerations apply to ADP and to inorganic phosphate (Pi). When writing biochemical reactions, it is not necessary to attach charges to the biochemical reactants or to include ions such as H+ and Mg2+ in the equation. The reaction is written in the direction specified by the EC nomenclature system, if applicable, regardless of the physiological direction(s) in which the reaction proceeds. Polymerization reactions involving large polymers whose structure is not explicitly captured should generally be represented as unbalanced reactions in which the monomer is consumed but the polymer remains unchanged, e.g. glycogen + glucose = glycogen. A better coverage for polymerization will be developed.







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