Mapping of Drug Names and MeSH 2022

Last uploaded: August 2, 2022
Preferred Name

Ocular Torticollis


insufficiencies, convergence

conjug gaze spasm

spasm of conjug gaze

brown tendon sheath syndrome

deficiency, smooth pursuit

parinauds syndrome

ocular torticolli


excess, converg

smooth pursuit deficiency

dyskinesias, paroxysmal ocular

tendon sheath syndrom of brown

eye movement disorders

ocular motility disord

eye movement disorder

paroxysm ocular dyskinesia

ocular dyskinesias, paroxysmal

dyskinesia, paroxysm ocular

ocular torticollis

insufficiency, convergence

parinauds syndrom

deviations, skew

smooth pursuit defici

brown's tendon sheath syndrome

parinaud syndrom

parinaud syndrome

ocular dyskinesia, paroxysmal

ocular motil disord

eye motility disord

internuclear ophthalmoplegia

internuclear ophthalmoplegias

excess, convergence

eye motility disorder

ocular dyskinesia, paroxysm

brown tendon sheath syndrom

ophthalmoplegia, internuclear

convergence insuffici

convergence insufficiency

syndrome, parinaud's

tendon sheath syndrome of brown

deficiencies, smooth pursuit

pursuit deficiencies, smooth

convergence excesses

smooth pursuit deficiencies

ocular dyskinesias, paroxysm

parinaud's syndrom

parinaud's syndrome

skew deviation

skew deviations

spasm of conjugate gaz

spasm of conjugate gaze

eye motility disorders

ocular motility disorder

ocular motility disorders

spasm of conjug gaz

converg insuffici

pursuit deficiency, smooth

convergence excess

brown's tendon sheath syndrom

syndrome, brown tendon sheath

insufficiency, converg


gaze spasms, conjugate

ophthalmoplegias, internuclear

syndrome, parinaud



converg excess

dyskinesias, paroxysm ocular

insufficiencies, converg

syndrome, brown's tendon sheath

deviation, skew

paroxysmal ocular dyskinesias

paroxysmal ocular dyskinesia

conjugate gaze spasm

conjugate gaze spasms

convergence insufficiencies

gaze spasms, conjug

skew deviat

eye movement disord

eye motil disord

dyskinesia, paroxysmal ocular


skew devi



insufficiencies, convergence

conjug gaze spasm

spasm of conjug gaze

brown tendon sheath syndrome

deficiency, smooth pursuit

parinauds syndrome

ocular torticolli


excess, converg

smooth pursuit deficiency

dyskinesias, paroxysmal ocular

tendon sheath syndrom of brown

eye movement disorders

ocular motility disord

eye movement disorder

paroxysm ocular dyskinesia

ocular dyskinesias, paroxysmal

dyskinesia, paroxysm ocular

ocular torticollis

insufficiency, convergence

parinauds syndrom

deviations, skew

smooth pursuit defici

brown's tendon sheath syndrome

parinaud syndrom

parinaud syndrome

ocular dyskinesia, paroxysmal

ocular motil disord

eye motility disord

internuclear ophthalmoplegia

internuclear ophthalmoplegias

excess, convergence

eye motility disorder

ocular dyskinesia, paroxysm

brown tendon sheath syndrom

ophthalmoplegia, internuclear

convergence insuffici

convergence insufficiency

syndrome, parinaud's

tendon sheath syndrome of brown

deficiencies, smooth pursuit

pursuit deficiencies, smooth

convergence excesses

smooth pursuit deficiencies

ocular dyskinesias, paroxysm

parinaud's syndrom

parinaud's syndrome

skew deviation

skew deviations

spasm of conjugate gaz

spasm of conjugate gaze

eye motility disorders

ocular motility disorder

ocular motility disorders

spasm of conjug gaz

converg insuffici

pursuit deficiency, smooth

convergence excess

brown's tendon sheath syndrom

syndrome, brown tendon sheath

insufficiency, converg


gaze spasms, conjugate

ophthalmoplegias, internuclear

syndrome, parinaud



converg excess

dyskinesias, paroxysm ocular

insufficiencies, converg

syndrome, brown's tendon sheath

deviation, skew

paroxysmal ocular dyskinesias

paroxysmal ocular dyskinesia

conjugate gaze spasm

conjugate gaze spasms

convergence insufficiencies

gaze spasms, conjug

skew deviat

eye movement disord

eye motil disord

dyskinesia, paroxysmal ocular


skew devi


Ocular Torticollis




Ocular Torticollis


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