Preferred Name

Frequency of DHEA, androstenedione, or human growth hormone used to improve muscle mass or strength in past Y:NRat:1Y:^Patient:Ord

Freq DHEA, A4 or hGH in past Y
Frequency of DHEA, androstenedione, or human growth hormone used to improve muscle mass or strength in past year
Frequency of DHEA, androstenedione, or human growth hormone used to improve muscle mass or strength in past Y:Number=Count/Time:1 year:^Patient:Ordinal
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Add NCBO Web Widgets to your site for LOINC
Widget type Widget demonstration
Jump To

Type a class name from LOINC and jump to it in BioPortal

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Form Autocomplete

Fill your form fields with classes from LOINC

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Example 1 (start typing the class name to get its full URI)

Example 2 (get the ID for a class)

Example 3 (get the preferred name for a class)

Display a visualization for a given class in LOINC

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Tree Widget

Display a class tree with a search field for LOINC

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