Preferred Name | Stuttering | |
Synonyms |
scanning speech 吐字不清 语言不利 咬字不清 言语不流利 口齿不清 Stuttering (finding) 言语謇涩 Stuttering, Developmental 言语欠清 Developmental Stuttering 言语含糊不清 Stuttering NOS Non-fluent speech Scanning speech (finding) 言语不灵 poor enunciation 语言蹇涩 scanned speech 言语不利 Speech Scanning 言语欠流利 言语不清晰 言语不清 语言謇涩 Scanning speech 语言不流畅 语言不流利 语言含混不清 吐词不清 言语含糊不利 stuttering (physical finding) slurred speech stuttering (diagnosis) Explosive speech 言语蹇涩不利 stuttering (symptom) 口齿不利 语言謇吃 speech fluency stuttering Anarthria Dysphemia STUTTERING Stammer Stammering Stutter Stuttering stutter stuttered stuttering stutters 口吃 结巴 言謇 |
ID | |
database_cross_reference |
UMLS:C0278184 UMLS:C0751529 SYMP:0000218 SYMP:0000342 MeSH:D013342 ICD-11:MA80.20 HPO:HP:0002168 UMLS:C0038506 |
definition |
中医学名词,指神志清楚、思维正常而吐字困难,或吐字不清。因习惯而成者,不属病态。病中言语謇涩每与舌强并见者,多因风痰阻络所致,为中风之先兆或后遗症。 结巴,是一个汉语词汇,拼音是jiēba,口吃的通称,也指口吃的人。结巴是俗称,是一种神经及心理交流障碍症,书面语为“口吃”。 Stuttering, also known as stammering, is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases as well as involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which the person who stutters is unable to produce sounds. The term stuttering is most commonly associated with involuntary sound repetition, but it also encompasses the abnormal hesitation or pausing before speech, referred to by people who stutter as blocks, and the prolongation of certain sounds, usually vowels or semivowels. A disturbance in the normal fluency and time patterning of speech that is inappropriate for the individual\'s age. This disturbance is characterized by frequent repetitions or prolongations of sounds or syllables. Various other types of speech dysfluencies may also be involved including interjections, broken words, audible or silent blocking, circumlocutions, words produced with an excess of physical tension, and monosyllabic whole word repetitions. Stuttering may occur as a developmental condition in childhood or as an acquired disorder which may be associated with BRAIN INFARCTIONS and other BRAIN DISEASES. (From DSM-IV, 1994) 口吃是一种言语障碍,表现为言语频繁地与正常流利的人在频率和强度上不同、且非自愿的重复、停顿、拖长打断。它也包括言语前的反常犹豫或停顿和某些语音的拖长。口吃的许多表现不能被他人观察到;这包括对特定音素、字和词的恐惧,对特定情景的恐惧,焦虑,紧张,害羞和言语中“失控”的感觉。它牵涉到遗传、神经生理发育、家庭和社会等诸多方面,是非常复杂的语言失调症。 Scanning speech is a type of ataxic dysarthria in which spoken words are broken up into separate syllables, often separated by a noticeable pause, and spoken with varying force. Disorders of speech articulation caused by imperfect coordination of pharynx, larynx, tongue, or face muscles. This may result from CRANIAL NERVE DISEASES; NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES; CEREBELLAR DISEASES; BASAL GANGLIA DISEASES; BRAIN STEM diseases; or diseases of the corticobulbar tracts (see PYRAMIDAL TRACTS). The cortical language centers are intact in this condition. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p489) 口吃是一种言语障碍,表现为言语频繁地与正常流利的人在频率和强度上不同、且非自愿的重复、停顿、拖长打断。术语“口吃”通常是与非本意的语音重复相联系的,可以涵盖从最轻微而难以察觉的障碍程度一直到最严重、足以阻碍大多数语言交流的障碍程度。 大舌头是口语病的一种,医学上称为言语不清,又叫吐字不清,俗称“大舌头”。原因在于发音器官生理异常而造成发音气流的异常,就会出现各种形式的发音不准。形成因素:1.遗传因素,如父母,近亲里有大舌头;2.先天性生理发育不良,有各种畸型,如先天性腭裂;3.发音器官有疾病、生理有缺陷,如舌根粗大、过扁宽、过厚、舌系带过短;4.发音器官出现器质性病变;5.舌系带强直、声带痉挛、咬肌痉挛。 语言謇涩中医术语。謇涩jiǎnsè,言辞不顺利 言语不利是一种疾病的名称。 口齿不清指说话语言表达不清,口吃含糊等。1、听、说器官的正常发育与否对孩子听力及言语的影响。孩子的口齿结构、软腭发育是否正常;孩子的有否粘连等等,都会对孩子的言语发展形成障碍。2、与父母遗传有关。一般家庭中有晚开口情况,后代晚开口的可能性就大一些。有的是没有原因的晚开口,到时就会说了。这种人在晚开口孩子中属极少数。1.要耐心示范和讲解父母在给孩子做示范时,要照顾到孩子听和看两个方面的能力,以便他们模仿。有时候,为了配合口型的示范,父母还需要有合适的讲解。比如唇音,主要是上下唇的活动,父母在做示范时,孩子容易看到,就易于模仿。而更多的难发的音需要舌头参与活动,不易被孩子看到,所以小孩子就不易发准音。2:要求孩子正确发音并多鼓励父母要注意,从孩子学说话开始,就应该要求孩子正确发音,不要让孩子娇滴滴说话。否则,一旦形成习惯,就要花费很大的气力才能矫正过来。同时,在孩子学说话阶段,父母只要发现孩子在语言学习上有点滴进步,就要及时鼓励。孩子喜欢表扬,父母的表扬能不断激起孩子学习语言的积极性。3:找专业的口齿不清专家帮助当父母发现孩子说话含混不清,可以运用搬舌速疗法,来帮助解决口齿不清的问题。改正不快时,切忌着急上火,动辄大发脾气,甚至打骂孩子,这样只会造成孩子恐惧、紧张的情绪,加重孩子的口齿不清,有时还可能造成孩子的口吃。' Communication through a system of conventional vocal symbols. A situation in which the level of living of an individual, family, or group is below the standard of the community. It is often related to a specific income level. |
has_exact_synonym |
scanning speech 吐字不清 语言不利 咬字不清 言语不流利 口齿不清 Stuttering (finding) 言语謇涩 Stuttering, Developmental 言语欠清 Developmental Stuttering 言语含糊不清 Stuttering NOS Non-fluent speech Scanning speech (finding) 言语不灵 poor enunciation 语言蹇涩 scanned speech 言语不利 Speech Scanning 言语欠流利 言语不清晰 言语不清 语言謇涩 Scanning speech 语言不流畅 语言不流利 语言含混不清 吐词不清 言语含糊不利 stuttering (physical finding) slurred speech stuttering (diagnosis) Explosive speech 言语蹇涩不利 stuttering (symptom) 口齿不利 语言謇吃 speech fluency stuttering Anarthria Dysphemia STUTTERING Stammer Stammering Stutter Stuttering stutter stuttered stuttering stutters 口吃 结巴 言謇 |
has_obo_namespace |
symptoms |
id |
ISPO:00000003 |
label |
Stuttering |
notation |
ISPO:00000003 |
prefLabel |
Stuttering |
subClassOf |