Human Interaction Network Ontology

Last uploaded: June 27, 2014
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Translocation of PKC theta to plasma membrane

Reviewed: Trowsdale, J, 2008-02-26 12:02:59 Authored: Rudd, C.E., de Bono, B, Garapati, P V, 2008-01-24 15:53:10 PKC theta is a member of the Ca++ independent and DAG dependent, novel PKC subfamily expressed mainly in T cells. It contains, N-term C2 like domain, a pseudosubstrate (PS), DAG binding (C1) domain and a C-term kinase domain. The PS sequence resembles an ideal substrate with the exception that it contains an alanine residue instead of a substrate serine residue, is bound to the kinase domain in the resting state. As a result, PKC theta is maintained in a closed inactive state, which is inaccessible to cellular substrates.
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