Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource

Last uploaded: July 19, 2024
Preferred Name

Change script

Class of ADS scripts that are executed after edits to the data graph were made, but within the same edit. These scripts may access the current changes from the graphs with names dataset.addedGraphURI and dataset.deletedGraphURI to learn about which resource values have been added or deleted. For example query them using graph.withDataGraph(dataset.addedGraphURI, ...) or via SPARQL's GRAPH keyword. Change scripts may then perform further changes which would again become visible to other change scripts. They MUST NOT have other side effects though, because they may get executed in Preview mode, or the change may cause constraint violations and then be rejected. For side effects, after the change has been applied, use commit scripts (dash:CommitScript). Change scripts are executed by their relative sh:order, with a default value of 0. Use lower values to execute before other scripts.
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