Cell Culture Ontology

Last uploaded: July 23, 2014
Id http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0002496
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actinic keratosis

A precancerous lesion of the skin composed of atypical keratinocytes. It is characterized by the presence of thick, scaly patches of skin. Several histologic variants have been described, including atrophic, acantholytic, and hyperkeratotic variants. An actinic keratosis (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) is a rough, scaly patch on your skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. It's most commonly found on your face, lips, ears, back of your hands, forearms, scalp or neck. Also known as solar keratosis, an actinic keratosis enlarges slowly and usually causes no signs or symptoms other than a patch or small spot on your skin. These lesions take years to develop, usually first appearing in older adults. A small percentage of actinic keratosis lesions can eventually become skin cancer. You can reduce your risk of actinic keratosis by minimizing your sun exposure and protecting your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays.
senile keratosis
Senile keratosis
Senile hyperkeratosis
SK - Solar keratosis
actinic (Solar) Keratosis
actinic (solar) keratosis
solar keratosis
actinic keratosis (disorder)
SK - solar keratosis
actinic keratosis (disease)
actinic keratosis
Solar keratosis
actinic keratosis (morphologic abnormality)
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Type http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class
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