Brinell Test Ontology-PROVO

Last uploaded: July 30, 2024
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Value Object

A :ValueObject is an entity which represents a specific value. This value can be a numerical, textual, or a more complex data structure. If a literal value is to be specified, the :value datatype property has to be used. In cases where the value is represented by a resource (e.g. URI), the :resource object property has to be used. A value object, respectively its value, is always associated with an entity of type :Process, :ProcessingNode, :Object (e.g. :Specimen), :DigitalEntity, :Project, or other :ValueObject. The value is meant to be a charactaristic of the associated entity. To express this association it is indended to use the :characteristic object property if the value decribes some \"quality\", or the :participant (:input,:output) if it is participating a process. A value object might also refer to a unit. The :unit property might be used (e.g. with QUDT ontology). Instances of a value object might also be a type of :ValueScope, namely a :SetPoint (nominal value), or :Measurement (measured value). With :Setpoint the intend is to express, that the value is meant to be some preset, setting or nominal value. :Measurement expresses, that the value has been measured or determined somehow (see example). Instances of a value object might also be specified in a specific :DataScope (:Metadata, :PrimaryData, :SecondaryData).



A :ValueObject is an entity which represents a specific value. This value can be a numerical, textual, or a more complex data structure. If a literal value is to be specified, the :value datatype property has to be used. In cases where the value is represented by a resource (e.g. URI), the :resource object property has to be used. A value object, respectively its value, is always associated with an entity of type :Process, :ProcessingNode, :Object (e.g. :Specimen), :DigitalEntity, :Project, or other :ValueObject. The value is meant to be a charactaristic of the associated entity. To express this association it is indended to use the :characteristic object property if the value decribes some \"quality\", or the :participant (:input,:output) if it is participating a process. A value object might also refer to a unit. The :unit property might be used (e.g. with QUDT ontology). Instances of a value object might also be a type of :ValueScope, namely a :SetPoint (nominal value), or :Measurement (measured value). With :Setpoint the intend is to express, that the value is meant to be some preset, setting or nominal value. :Measurement expresses, that the value has been measured or determined somehow (see example). Instances of a value object might also be specified in a specific :DataScope (:Metadata, :PrimaryData, :SecondaryData).


- the length of a specimen - the model number of a machine - a person involved in a process - a force on an object

:Length rdfs:subClass :ValueObject . ex:vo1 a :Length . ex:vo1 a :Measurement . ex:vo1 a :PrimaryData . ex:vo1 :unit qudt:MilliM . ex:vo1 :value "123.45" ex:p1 a :LengthMeasuringProcess . ex:p1 :characteristic ex:vo1 .

The length of a specimen, which has been measured as primary data. Its actual value is 123.45 millimeters.



Value Object





Value Object


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