Add NCBO Web Widgets to your site for BIRNLEX
Widget type | Widget demonstration |
Example 1 (start typing the class name to get its full URI)
Example 2 (get the ID for a class) Example 3 (get the preferred name for a class) |
Id |
Preferred Name | Injection |
Synonyms | |
Type | |
All Properties
preferred_label | Injection
label | Injection
prefLabel | Injection
external_id_urls | |
synonyms | |
abbrev | |
retired | false
prefixIRI | birnlex_2135
external_ids | umlsCUI:C0021485
subClassOf | |
class_or_indiv | true
type | |
mod_date | 2006-10-11
Delete | Subject | Author | Type | Created |
No notes to display |
Widget type | Widget demonstration |
Step 2: Follow the Instructions
For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki |
Example 1 (start typing the class name to get its full URI)
Example 2 (get the ID for a class) Example 3 (get the preferred name for a class) Step 2: Follow the Instructions
For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki |
Step 2: Follow the InstructionsCopy the code below and paste it to your HTML page <iframe frameborder="0" src="/widgets/visualization?ontology=BIRNLEX&"></iframe> For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki |
Step 2: Follow the InstructionsCopy the code below and paste it to your HTML page <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/widgets/jquery.ncbo.tree.css"> <script src="/widgets/jquery.ncbo.tree-2.0.2.js"></script> <div id="widget_tree"></div> var widget_tree = $("#widget_tree").NCBOTree({ apikey: "YOUR_API_KEY", ontology: "BIRNLEX" }); You can also view a detailed demonstration For more help visit NCBO Widget Wiki |