Adherence and Integrated Care

Last uploaded: May 13, 2019
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The Regional Government of Andalusia publishes clinical guidelines for the proper functioning of clinical practice. This means that it provides a series of recommendations for the correct clinical practice of health professionals so that they act and use the most beneficial techniques in the areas of the patient, the health system and the economy. In this way, the aim is to optimise, in an efficient way, all the areas involved in this clinical practice. Therapeutic optimisation is proposed in the Integrated Care Process (IAP) for the care of pluripathological patients [1]. A series of factors are considered to be involved and will be developed below: - Prescription: the characteristics for a good prescription are described. - Adaptation to treatment: a series of interventions are described for correct adaptation. - Conciliation of treatment. - Improvement of adherence. - Adjustment of doses in renal insufficiency. - Self-management of the patient and/or caregiver. [1] Ollero Baturone, M., Bernabeu-Wittel, M., Espinosa Almendro, J. M., García Estepa, R., Morilla Herrera, J. C., Pascual de la Pisa, B., ... & Sanz Amores, R. (2018). Atención a pacientes pluripatológicos: proceso asistencial integrado. 713838004 | Optimization of medication (procedure) |



The Regional Government of Andalusia publishes clinical guidelines for the proper functioning of clinical practice. This means that it provides a series of recommendations for the correct clinical practice of health professionals so that they act and use the most beneficial techniques in the areas of the patient, the health system and the economy. In this way, the aim is to optimise, in an efficient way, all the areas involved in this clinical practice. Therapeutic optimisation is proposed in the Integrated Care Process (IAP) for the care of pluripathological patients [1]. A series of factors are considered to be involved and will be developed below: - Prescription: the characteristics for a good prescription are described. - Adaptation to treatment: a series of interventions are described for correct adaptation. - Conciliation of treatment. - Improvement of adherence. - Adjustment of doses in renal insufficiency. - Self-management of the patient and/or caregiver. [1] Ollero Baturone, M., Bernabeu-Wittel, M., Espinosa Almendro, J. M., García Estepa, R., Morilla Herrera, J. C., Pascual de la Pisa, B., ... & Sanz Amores, R. (2018). Atención a pacientes pluripatológicos: proceso asistencial integrado.

713838004 | Optimization of medication (procedure) |








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